Minggu, 29 Juli 2018

Mod Trailer Panjang ETS2

Mod Trailer Panjang ETS2 -Trailer panjang biasanya digandeng mobil-mobil besar seperti scania,mercedez, dan mobil-mobil besar lainnya, nah kali ini saya mau share mod trailer super panjang bahkan lebih panjang dari biasanya.

Mod Trailer Panjang ETS2

Mod trailer ini memiliki panjang yang yama namun dia multiple 2 trailer sampai 6 trailer. Bayngin aja 1 trailer aja panjang gimana mau gandeng 6 trailer?

Jika teman-teman pernah menonton video di youtube wayan xgaming disana ada truk hino new gen menggandeng traile sebanyak 6 trailer ditanjakan sitinjau namun naas truknya malah mundur wkwkwk berat banget.

Nah mod trailer terpanjang ets2 ini akan menjadi tantangan bagi kamu yang suka main ets2, trailer panjang ini akan menguji skill seorang sopir di game ets2.

Nah bagi kamu yang ingin memainkan mod Multiple trailers by hbtrck ets2 ini, silahkan download melalui link berikut ini.

NB: Mod trailer super panjang ets2 ini sudah saya uji diversi 1.30, untuk versi lainnya silahkan dicoba sendiri.

Link Download Mod Trailer Panjang ETS2
mod Multiple trailers by hbtrck

Jumat, 27 Juli 2018

SCS On The Road: Invitation to Truckstar Assen

We already dedicated a topic to the Netherlands yesterday with the release of Dutch Paint Jobs Pack for Euro Truck Simulator 2, and we are back today with an invitation especially for our Dutch fans to meet us in person.

This weekend, July 28 & 29, our On the Road team and our sim trailer will be at Truckstar festival at Assen’s TT Circuit in the Netherlands. Truckstar is one of the largest and oldest truck fests in Europe, and the organizers expect over 2,000 trucks to show up. If you plan to be there, too, or if you live nearby and are deciding what to do with your Saturday or Sunday, our crew will be very happy to welcome you in our sim trailer and give you a chance to drive our truck sims in our 4D motion seats.

As an appetizer of what kind of experience and atmosphere one might expect at a major truck festival, let us recap our most recent roadshow event. Our sim trailer was spending the previous weekend at Master Truck Opole in Poland, and we're still full of impressions. Two days full of tuned trucks, amazing paint jobs, interesting accompanying program, and thousands of visitors - could we ask for more?

Check out a small gallery of photos taken during the event. You can always find even more photos on our social media channels, just as usual.

Our SCS Sim Trailer attracted a lot of visitors since very early morning till the evening when we locked it up again. Our fan base in Poland is truly huge and we loved every moment spent with people interested in our work.

Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Plakkaat van Verlatinghe

After countless requests from our Euro Truck Simulator 2 Dutch fan community, finally, we are releasing a new Dutch Paint Jobs Pack DLC today.

Taking a look at the calendar, we found a day which may not be a national holiday in the Netherlands, but still, it is undisputedly an important day in the history of the country. For those of you interested in the times of the Renaissance, on July 26th, 1581 the Netherlands declared its independence in the Act of Abjuration. From now on, this day will also be marked in history as the day of release of the Dutch Paint Job Pack!

Senin, 23 Juli 2018

Mod Dump Truck Dongfeng KC Spintires MudRunner

Mod Dump Truck Dongfeng KC Spintires MudRunner - Beberapa mod dumptruck yang pernah saya mainin sebelumnya inilah mod truk dump truk pengangkut pasir maupun batu terbaik yang saya temukan, dan kerennya mod ini berkualitas premium hq diberikan secara gratis begitu saja.

Mod Dump Truck Dongfeng KC Spintires MudRunner

Saat pertama menjajal mod ini benar-benar realistis dari suara mesin, rem angin serta asap kenalpot yang ngebul coy...

Fitur-fitur keren mod mobil Dongfeng Tianlong KC ini cukup mengasikkan, bagaimana tidak baknya bisa diangkat layaknyanya mobil dump truk beneran yang ada didunia nyata. Selain itu pitu baknya juga bisa dibuka jadi seakan-akan mobil beneran.

Mod Dump Truck Dongfeng KC Spintires MudRunner

Ada satu lagi, mobil dump truck kc ini juga dibekali dengan terpal penutup muatan berwarna hijau yang bisa digerakan juga, jadi kalian bisa menutup dan membuka muatan kalian dengan fitur terpal ini.

Pertama nginstall dan memainkannya mod mobil Dongfeng Tianlong KC Truck v31.01.18 spintires mudrunner ini ada dua chasis pertama langsung ada baknya yang satu cuma sasis sama body aja tapi bisa dipasang addon ketika kamu berada di garasi.

Seperti biasa mod Mod Dump Truck Dongfeng KC bekerja pada Spintires MudRunner versi 2018 dan 2017.

Credit : Comfortable

Berikut link download mod Mod Dump Truck nya.
Dump Truck Dongfeng KC

Mod Map Mountain pass 2018 Part 2 Spintires Mudrunner

Mod Map Mountain pass 2018 Part 2 Spintires Mudrunner - Sebelumnya saya sudah memainkan mod map Mountain pass tapi versi 1 atau part 1, nah sekarang aku bakal share map lanjutan Mountain pass yaitu part 2 terbaru atau new mod for mudrunner.

Mod Map Mountain pass 2018 Part 2 Spintires Mudrunner

Kelebihan Map Mountain pass spintires mudrunner ini lebih ekstrim dan banyak tanjakan. Jika dimap sebelumnya diawal ada garasi nah untuk map part 2 ini tidak ada garasi jadi kamu akan start apadanya tanpa addon.

Baca juga : Map Mountain Pass Part1

Saya sendiri sudah memainkan map gunung yang diberi nama Mountain pass 2018 Part 2 ini di spintires mudrunner versi 2017 walaupun untuk 2018 tapi nyatanya work.

Mod Map Mountain pass 2018 Part 2 Spintires Mudrunner

Nah sudah jelaskan tentang map Mountain pass 2018 Part 2 tersebut, jadi jangan tanya lagi untuk versi berapa bang? bisa gak untuk versi 03.03.16? pertanyaan itu gak akan saya balas.

Ok baiklah jika kamu ingin memainkan map Mountain pass 2018 Pass yang banyak tantangan seperti jembatan kayu panjang silahkan download dan rasakan sendiri adrenalinnya.

Deskripsi :
Nama : level_mountainpass_2018_2
Ukuran peta: 512m x 1024m

Objek di peta:
1 garasi (tertutup)
1 titik pemuatan + 1 pemuatan kayu bulat
0 pompa bensin (ada truk bensin pada titik peluncuran)
5 penggergajian
7 poin eksplorasi

Transportasi di peta:
A-469 (open, repair kit)
C-4310 - 2 buah (satu dengan derek dan pembubaran, yang kedua dengan pembubaran)
C-260 (tertutup, tanker bensin)
C-131 (tertutup, bagian garasi)
C-432010 (tertutup, coupler)
B-66 (tutup, kit perbaikan)

Map ini belum diuji pada spintires mudrunner online multiplayer, silahkan tes sendiri kalo mau nyoba ya.

Credits Aleksey zurisar Vorobev

Link Download Mod Map Mountain pass 2018 Part 2 Spintires Mudrunner
Map Mountain pass 2018 Part 2

Kamis, 19 Juli 2018

Mod Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 125 PS Umplung v1.0 Spintires Mudrunner

Mod Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 125 PS Umplung) v1.0 - Halo selamat datang kembali di blog saya, baru aja rilis mod truk Mitsubishi umplung yang diberikan secara gratis untuk pengguna spintires mudrunner, sayangnya mod ini belum ada untuk spintires 03.03.16. Mod Mitsubishi 125 ps umplung ini hanya untuk spintires mudrunner.

Mod Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 125 PS Umplung v1.0 Spintires Mudrunner

Saya sendiri sudah menguji mod Mitsubishi umplung ini pada game spintires mudrunner versi 2017. untuk mudrunner 2018 saya belum coba saya rasa work karena mod ini launcing pada tahun 2018.

Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 125 PS merupakan truk yang paling tua diantara ragasa dan canter, jika kamu ingin mod canter kamu juga bisa search di blog ini untuk spintires maupun mudrunner.

Nah jika kamu ingin memainkan mod Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 125 PS Umplung buatan ajang haeruman silahkan download melalui tautan berikut ini.

  • Legendary Indonesian truck. 
  • Has 13 of its addons. 
  • 2 types of cargo for 2 points. 
  • View from the cockpit without a dashboard.
ajang haeruman

Link Download Mod Mitsubishi Colt Diesel Umplung
Mod Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 125 PS Umplung v1.0 Spintires Mudrunner

Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

SCS On The Road: Master Truck Opole

Here we are with a recap of the most recent SCS On the Road trip plus an invitation to a new show happening in just a few days!

Our crew has just arrived from the 4th round of the FIA ETRC 2018 season held at Slovakia Ring. Even though it was a very hot weekend, the visitors there were really interested in our work and hundreds of people came to try our 4D Motions seats.

We had a great time and we'd like to send a virtual high-five to all who came to spend some time with us. A big thank you goes also to our helping hands - Czech Youtube/Twitch streamer Synecek11 of Gamekeepers_cz channel, and Viliam and Alex who reached us via email ontheroad@scssoft.com. If you'd like to become a "roadie" for one of our upcoming future events (list at the image below) too, give it a try and send us an email. You may also want to check out our recent post here.

The 4th round at Slovakia Ring was the last race weekend before a 5-week summer break in the FIA ETRC season. But that doesn't mean that we'll not be meeting our fans for such a long time.

We're packing our things as we write this, loading our SCS Sim Trailer with some merch gifts for the most dedicated fans, and very soon we'll be leaving Prague again. The destination is set to Master Truck Opole 2018 in Poland. Kudos to the team of IMGN.PRO who helped us a lot with making our participation at this event easier.

We know that our Polish fan community is huge. We hope that you'll be there with us too to witness all that this famous event has to offer. Come and visit the area of Lotnisko Opole-Polska Nowa Wieś from 20th to 22nd of July, 2018 and spend some time with us. We're looking forward to meeting you!

Senin, 16 Juli 2018

Map Sumatra v2.8 VersiTerbaru Euro Truck Simulator 2

Map Sumatra v2.8  VersiTerbaru Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Dilansir dari blog official agan safarul ilham bahwa kini telah rilis mod map sumatra terbaru dari sebelumnya memiliki versi 2.4 yang pernah saya posting kini telah hadir mod map sumatra ets2 terbaru versi 2.8 terbaru.

Kabarnya map sumatra ets2 terbaru ini work diversi 1.31 alias versi game euro truck simulator paling baru. Lalu bagaimana dengan pengguna ets2 versi lawas? jika masih menggunakan ets2 versi 1.26 kebawah kamu bisa unduh yang versi 2.4 tetapi jika kamu sudah memiliki versi 1.30 atau 1.31 kamu bisa memainkan map sumatra ini dengan catatan ada update dlc tertentu.

Map Sumatra v2.8  VersiTerbaru Euro Truck Simulator 2

Lalu Dlc apa yang dibutuhkan untuk map sumatra 2.8 ets2 ini? tenang ya gaes dibawah akan saya cantumkan. yang kalian harus tahu mod map sumatra ets2 by safarul ilham ini sudah saya uji diversi ets2 1.30 full dlc dan work tanpa kendala.

Map sumatra ets2 versi 2.8 terbaru ini merupakan map standalone atau bukan map addon, jadi semua yang ada didalamnya bernuansa indonesia khususnya semua kota atau wilayah besar sumatra dari lampung hingga banda aceh.

Nah untuk memainkan map sumatra v2.8 terbaru ini kalian wajib memiliki update DLC GE, SCANDINAVIA, dan Special Transport jadi tidak harus full dlc karena hanya 3 dlc tersebut paling wajib.

Jika kalian pernah memainkan map sumatra versi lawas tentu ingat kota mana saja yang ada dimap itu, nah pada map sumatra ets2 terbaru ini telah ditambahkan 31 kota serta penambahan icon-icon kabupaten seperti terminal,stasiun,bandara dan minimarket.

Yang menarik dari map ini sudah ditambahkan Mod Grafik di dalamnya yaitu Fael Envirotment 3.0 by Rafaelbc dan RGM Grafik by FRKN64 selain itu juga cuaca map tersebut telah disesuaikan dengan kondisi cuaca di indonesia.

Nah bagi kamu yang penasaran dengan map sumatra terbaru ini langsung aja download melalui link berikut ini.

Link Mod Map Sumatra v2.8  VersiTerbaru Euro Truck Simulator 2
Perlu diketahui map sumatra versi 2.8 terbaru ini berukuran 1.7GB.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8

Master Part

Download Semua File part diatas serta Master Part nya. Jika sudah selesai semua ekstrak master partnya maka otomatis ke8 part tersebut terekstrak.

Cara Install map sumatra v2.8 ets2 terbaru sudah ada didalam file serta nama-nama kota dan dealer yang ada.

Credit : S.Ilham ( Safarul Ilham )

Highway 1 Reopening Today!

Players of American Truck Simulator can finally enjoy driving the full length of California Highway 1 again. Thanks to the heroic effort of the truck sim fan community during Operation Big Sur, the landslide was cleared up in record time and the new stretch of the road is ready for you.

As Highway 1 is back in full operation, your help in #OperationBigSur is no longer needed, and the World of Trucks event has been finally wrapped up. Massive thanks to all the participants! Just beware that Steam will automatically update the game today.

We have asked the fan community for 500,000 deliveries to get the job done and ultimately got even more. We have prolonged the event by a few extra days after the goal was reached, giving latecomers a chance to do their part, too.

With these numbers and with the high volume of your positive feedback, it is clear that the event was well accepted and that you would like to see more events engaging the community. It takes considerable effort across several company departments to set up an event and to create all the content, but we will surely do our best to listen to your voice and work on improving our event pipeline.

Together we made it! The scenic coastal road is clear again and the cool event rewards have been distributed to all who have taken part and qualified for them. We are delighted to see that the event truck paint jobs are proudly worn on so many of your trucks!

Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

Wood production chain

As our games mature and as our team grows to be able to focus on multiple projects and features of our games, we also pay more attention to the production chains and local industries within the game world. It is actually not a small task to bring in enough new types of cargo and facilities to populate the economy enough to achieve variety as well as to keep healthy supply and demand balance. We take it as a longer-term ambition, but the goal is definitely for our deliveries to make more sense in players' eyes - we will be gradually moving away from the concept of random cargoes headed from a generic point A to a generic point B.

With Oregon, we are paying special attention to the woodworking logistic chain. It's an interesting and characteristic part of Oregon's economy, and it will be a fun addition to the gameplay. Timber, lumber, and products made of wood will give us a nice reason to journey to rural as well as urban areas of the state and beyond, with cargoes that originated as trees in a forest.

We have already shown you several related screenshots and even some video footage depicting elements of the wood production chain. Today we want to share with you a few more detailed shots of Oregon woodworking facilities under construction for the upcoming American Truck Simulator DLC. As you can see, there will be busy logging sites, dusty sawmills, a furniture factory as well as new building sites.

Mod Bus Tronton Scania Touring HD EP3.5 By M Husni

Mod Bus Tronton Scania Touring HD EP3.5 By Muhammad Husni - Beberapa hari lalu saya melihat beberapa screenshoot mod bus scania tronton pada grup ets2 facebook, namun saya tidak tahu nama modnya, setelah browsing ke beberapa forum saya menemukan tread yang ngebahas itu mod ternyata namanya Mod Bus Tronton Scania Touring HD EP3.5 Buatan Modder indonesia bernama Muhammad Husni.

Mod Bus Tronton Scania Touring HD EP3.5 By M Husni

Hmmm, padahal saya lumayan lama bergabung di grup ep3 shd muh husni namu tidak dapat info dari sana, tapi hari kemarin saya coba cek channel m.husni ternyata dia sudah upload dan review mod bus tronton tersebut.

Mod bus Scania Touring HD Euro truck simulator 2 ini kabarnya work di versi 1.31.xx saya sendiri sudah coba pada versi tersebut dan memang work, untuk versi lainnya saya belum coba, teman-teman bisa coba sendiri.

Untuk fitur-fitur bus ini saya kurang paham, yang saya tahu ada banyak livery bus scania touring tronton bernuansa luar negeri, karena mod ini bentuk aslinya dari bus luar negeri yaitu bus eropa.

10 livery lebih didalam skinpack yang diberikan secara gratis oleh m husni, jika teman-teman tertarik langsung aja download melalui link berikut ini.

Hargai Pembuat mod, dilarang menjual belikan mod ini, jika teman-teman ingin memberi masukan atau kritikan silahkan ke m.husni dan bagi kamu yang ingin donasi untuk mendukung modder silahkan ke paypal berikut Donasi M,husni

Sumber : https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=243999&hilit=Scania+Touring

Link Download :
Bus Scania Touring EP3.5 by M Husni
Skin Pack / Livery Scania Touring HD EP3.5 By M Husni

Kamis, 12 Juli 2018

Mod Grave Digger Monster truck Spintires Mudrunner

Mod Grave Digger Monster truck Spintires Mudrunner - Baru aja aku mainin ni mobil memang keren dan mantap untuk melewati tanjakan apalagi di map pegunungan, divideo kemarin saya telah coba mod mobil monster ini di game spintires serta map mountan pass yang pernah saya posting ternyata memang benar ekstrim mantap.

Mod Grave Digger Monster truck Spintires Mudrunner

Nah bagi kamu yang ingin mengunduh mod Monster truck v18.03.18 ini bisa unduh dibawah, tapi jangan khawatir karena mod ini support pada game mudrunner versi 2017 juga, saya sendiri telah mengujinya pada versi Spintires MudRunner v.26.10.17.

Tidak besar ukuran mod mobil monster bigfoot ini hanya sekitaran 20mb saja sudah berkualitas hq, wkwkw kenapa saya nulisnya kaya promosi barang ya haha, enggak,, serius ini beneran mod mobil monster mudrunner ini bagus langsung aja download melalui link berikut ini.

Link Download Mod Grave Digger Monster truck Spintires Mudrunner
Mod Grave Digger Monster Truck Spintires Mudrunner

Rabu, 11 Juli 2018

Map Gunung Mountain Pass 2018 Spintires Mudrunner

Mod Map Gunung Mountain Pass 2018 Spintires Mudrunner - Salah satu map yang pernah aku jajal, namun tak sampai atas sudah jatuh lagi kebawah mobil saya, serasa naik gunung chiliad gta 5, map gunung yang diberi nama Mountain Pass 2018 map v1.0 ini cukup ekstrim, kalian harus punya mobil double kardan supaya bisa naik keatas, jika tidak mungkin akan lebih lama sampai puncak.

Map Gunung Mountain Pass 2018 Spintires Mudrunner

Saya sendiri sudah menjajal map ini pada game spintires mudrunner 2017 dan sudah saya test juga pada mudrunner 2018 alhasil tidak work alias tidak cocok hanya untuk 2017 ya gaes.

Jika diceritakan lebih dalam map Mountain Pass 2018 ini akan memiliki cerita yang panjang jadi langsung saja buat yang penasaran download dibawah ini, atau mau lihat video gameplay nya ada di channel wayan x gaming offroad mercedez g 500.

Ukuran Map 256 mx 768 m

Objek di peta:
1 garasi, dibuka (dibuat khusus untuk multipemain)
1 titik memuat + 1 pemuatan log
0 SPBU (ada tangki bahan bakar macet di serpentine)
3 penggergajian kayu (2 di satu tempat)
2 poin eksplorasi

Transportasi di peta:
А-469 (tertutup)
С-65111 - 2 buah
С-4310 - 2 buah
С-256 (tertutup)

Link Download Mod Map Gunung Mountain Pass 2018 Spintires Mudrunner
Map Mountain Pass 2018 Spintires Mudrunner

Senin, 09 Juli 2018


Operation Big Sur, our first World of Trucks event with a shared goal for the player community, has been a huge success. Players of American Truck Simulator have exceeded the number of 500,000 deliveries required to clear up and re-open the section of California Highway 1 blocked by last year's landslide at an incredible speed. We are happy to confirm that the bulk of the work is complete now, and after a short inspection by the authorities, the road will reopen soon!

We know that the truck sim fan base is very active, but we have been still surprised by the enthusiasm and commitment of the community. Immediately after the event's launch, thousands and thousands of individual players, as well as many VTC's, came to help, often going beyond the requested quota. Our twitter with the #OperationBigSur tag and all social media have gone ballistic with so many reports and cool pictures illustrating the effort. The strong team spirit has been raised even more by a steady stream of music carefully picked for you by our friends at TruckersFM radio.

Thanks, everybody, and congratulations! Our system should now automatically grant all the event participants who qualify (with at least 5 deliveries completed) the second part of the reward - a unique paint job commemorating the big task we have pulled off together.

To allow the road inspectors enough time to do the job right, and frankly, to give the last chance to finish their deliveries to many players who have approached us in the past couple of days, we are not shutting down the event system yet. Your speed has taken by surprise not only us, but also many other fellow truckers, and we have received a ton of requests to keep registering the deliveries for a time even after the 500K mark is crossed.

If you have finished your 15 deliveries, enjoy your reward now, and relax at last - there are many more great routes in American Truck Simulator (and Euro Truck Simulator 2) that you can now explore stress-free again!

On the other hand, if you are a couple deliveries short of your personal goal, we are still giving you a chance to earn your reward, too. The event system will keep registering Operation Big Sur deliveries until July 15, 23:59 UTC. The road should be reopened the next day with an automatic American Truck Simulator game update.

SCS On The Road: Slovakiaring

In a couple of days, our SCS On the Road crew will pack again and set the compass to a new destination - the Slovakiaring - for the 4th round of the FIA ETRC truck racing championship. We can't wait to meet with all our local fans there. See you all in the Fan Village, just like usual!

Let us whet your appetite with a short photo report from the previous race at the Nürburgring circuit in Germany. It was a very busy long weekend for our team there. Three days full of trucking, with crowds of people interested in our games. We met a lot of fantastic fans and we'd like to say thank you to all who had come to visit us.

Our motion seat rigs are proving so attractive that Krone Trailers wanted an extra motion seat for their booth at Nürburgring, playing a custom version of our game with an advanced look at their trailers included. It was a pilot project, but we really like the idea that in the future the manufacturers of trucks and equipment would be keen to use our games as a demo platform for their products at public events. It would definitely raise the awareness and profile of our games even higher.

We had a really cordial meeting with Jessica Lynn and her band. Stay tuned as more info about our future cooperation is coming. It was a hectic weekend but we loved every single second of each one of those days!

Make sure to follow our live feed about what's happening at SCS Sim Trailer on our Twitter and Instagram profiles.