Senin, 09 Juli 2018

SCS On The Road: Slovakiaring

In a couple of days, our SCS On the Road crew will pack again and set the compass to a new destination - the Slovakiaring - for the 4th round of the FIA ETRC truck racing championship. We can't wait to meet with all our local fans there. See you all in the Fan Village, just like usual!

Let us whet your appetite with a short photo report from the previous race at the Nürburgring circuit in Germany. It was a very busy long weekend for our team there. Three days full of trucking, with crowds of people interested in our games. We met a lot of fantastic fans and we'd like to say thank you to all who had come to visit us.

Our motion seat rigs are proving so attractive that Krone Trailers wanted an extra motion seat for their booth at Nürburgring, playing a custom version of our game with an advanced look at their trailers included. It was a pilot project, but we really like the idea that in the future the manufacturers of trucks and equipment would be keen to use our games as a demo platform for their products at public events. It would definitely raise the awareness and profile of our games even higher.

We had a really cordial meeting with Jessica Lynn and her band. Stay tuned as more info about our future cooperation is coming. It was a hectic weekend but we loved every single second of each one of those days!

Make sure to follow our live feed about what's happening at SCS Sim Trailer on our Twitter and Instagram profiles.

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