Jumat, 03 November 2017

SCS Software coming to Transport Expo 2017

We would like to invite our fans to see us and our magnificent "sim trailer" next week at Transport Expo 2017. Especially if you are living in Prague, Czech Republic, or within reasonable driving distance, this is an event that you should definitely consider.

The team at SCS Software is super busy these days, and we were not sure if we can risk investing our time into any other activities. We have our hands full with testing, bug-fixing, polishing, and pushing out New Mexico, Italy, Special Transport, and a couple of related game updates to you in the coming weeks. However, when we realized that this exhibition is our unique and perhaps last opportunity this year to meet the players of our games in our home city, it was clear that we just have to find a way to come!

We are really looking forward to meeting you! And for our fans in Czech language: Těšíme se na Vás! Můžete se projet v naší speciální mapě, kterou používáme pro veřejné akce. Rádi Vám ale také ukážeme Nové Mexiko, Itálii i Special Transport DLC. A pokud Vás zajímá jak probíhá vývoj našich her nebo volné pozice v naší firmě, je to také dobrá příležitost pobavit se přímo s našimi developery.

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