Senin, 30 April 2018

Event: Trade Connections - Sweden Summary

The latest World of Trucks event has just ended today. We are happy to see so many people participate!

There were 85,000 people who delivered at least one cargo towards the event's goal. Over 31,000 players went through the pains to deliver the required 10 cargos to 10 different countries - having fun, or so we hope. We feel sorry for 459 players who only managed to deliver 9 cargos before the event's deadline.

It should not take a long time before we issue another World of Trucks call for action. The next event we are planning will be related to our participation in FIA ETRC 2018 season events, and the first race in Misano is just around the corner. So refill your tanks, check your diesel beasts and stay tuned! We are working on some really cool event rewards for you...

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